Art, Happenings, Make, Create, & Share!, student artwork

Student Spotlight! (June 2021)

Each month I will be spotlighting one of my students – past or present, and their artistic ventures! I work with students of all ages and abilities and you’ll get to learn a little bit about these amazing artists and their work!

Our June spotlight is on:

Eden Rush

Hi my name is Eden, I’m 17 years old and I’m going into 12th grade. I’ve loved art for as long as I can remember and I’m happy to be developing my own art style. Besides art, I love horseback riding, the beach, music, and antiquing.

Name: “Louis Tomlinson” Medium: Gouache and watercolor
I found this picture of a artist that I like on Pinterest. I really liked the lighting in the photo so I painted it with a gouache set from hobby lobby.

How long have you been taking art lessons? “I have gone to art classes here and there ever since I can remember. My mom is an artist so I have also learned a lot from her. I have been taking Ms. Jenell’s classes in the art room for about two years now.”

Why did you begin to take art lessons/how did you become interested in art? “I have always loved art. I guess my mom saw that in me from a young age so she put in several art classes when I was younger. My love for horses has also helped to develop my art since horses were the only thing I drew for a while.”

Name: “Butterfly and Giraffe” Medium: Acrylic paint
This is a piece that I completed last year after Christmas. Since I had done so many art pieces as gifts for others I wanted to make one for myself, so I did.

What is your favorite thing about art? “My favorite thing about art is the uniqueness of every artwork and artist. If you tell a group of artists to draw a cow each artwork produced would be totally different.”

What are your favorite mediums and/or subjects for your artwork? “My favorite art mediums are graphite pencil, watercolor and gouache.”

Is there anything else about you that you’d like us to know? “I love the Beatles and Fleetwood Mac and a lot of my art is inspired by songs.”

Name: “The Queen of Hearts” Medium: Alcohol markers
I did this drawing in one of Ms. Jenell’s paint draw sculpt classes. We were doing a playing card theme. I’m really happy with the colors and look of this picture.

What or who inspires you to create your artwork? “Honestly something that inspires me a lot to keep making artwork is displaying the finished pieces in my room. I’ve also always been really inspired by my mom who is an amazing artist. I grew up seeing my mom’s artworks everywhere and wanting to be like her in that aspect.”

Why do you think art is important? – Why is it important for you? “For me, art is so important because it is a way of expressing yourself. If you’re mad draw about it, if you’re happy draw something happy. There are endless possibilities with what you can create.”

Name: “Strawberry Teapot” Medium: Ceramic
This is a tea pot that I completed in one of Ms. Jenell’s ceramics classes. It is the first ceramic piece that I have done. I love how it turned out.

Besides visual arts are you into any other art forms? “I love music! I often wish that I was a better singer but for now I’ve settled with learning the ukulele.”

Do you have a favorite color? “My favorite color changes pretty often but right now it is forest green.”

Name: “The Statue Graphite pencil” This is one of my favorite drawings that I’ve done. When I started it I almost gave up because it looked so rough in the beginning! I’m so glad I finished it! I also almost cut off the empty space above the people but I feel like it really adds to the completed drawing.

When you’re making your art do like to listen to music or watch tv for inspiration (if so what)? “I almost always listen to music or audio books when I’m working on an artwork.”

How has your artwork improved/what have you done to keep improving as an artist? “In the past year my ability to draw faces has improved a lot because I started drawing in a sketchbook way more often. I like to challenge myself with weekly goals depending on how busy I am.”

Eden is a talented artist who is always up for trying out new mediums and techniques. She takes on artistic challenges, and works hard with determination, to achieve what she set out to accomplish in her artwork – all while enjoying the process! Keep up the great work Eden!

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